Monday, October 31, 2011

Taking a Break

My dear (few but faithful) readers:

Starting tomorrow, I am plunging headfist into National Novel Writing Month, in which I will write 50,000 words (or 100 pages) of novel in thirty days. Alas, this means I will not have any words to spare for my blog during the month of November. Which makes me sad because this month will mark my blog's one-year birthday. I promise we will celebrate in December.

In the meantime, cheer me on! In thirty days I will have a complete first draft of a new novel. And a really big headache.

Oh, and Happy Halloween.

The Brown-Eyed Girl


Jilly said...

WOOHOO Good luck!!!!!!!!!!! Will miss your blog, but am excited for you :)

Kolena locksa said...

I will miss you terribly!